Developed Mobile Apps with Web Technology.

From the last 5-8 Year generation, the growth or demand of smartphone is really huge and massive.
Simultaneously, we observe that the demand or mobile app in increase massively as well.

Some developers, who want to build an app or want to Mobile app developers + Web app developer as well, then they confuse to select a particular field to become expertise on that.
   because to build any mobile app like Android then we have a core understanding of JAVA,
If we want to build an iOS app then we have a core understanding of "objective C" and swift as well.

What if you want to build web app also or want to become expertise in web app development?

So, Don`t regret the or web app developer, here we have some great technology to build Mobile App(Android and iOS) with web technology languages such as HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, and more.

Yeah, we also build that native app with javascript, but lets see that which tools or technology are there:
This is above is a most popular framework in the programming world, because they Build a mobile app with a native look, less code,  fast development and last but not least HOT RELOADING concept.

We also have some another framework such as:
But Today, most Big or small enterprise adopts a REACT NATIVE.

REACT NATIVE is a great technology to build native feel mobile app. and its developed or launched by FACEBOOK.

Well, I am a REACT NATIVE front-end, certified specialist.

After that, google is inspired from REACT NATIVE then they also Launched FLUTTER for android and iOS app development with a single codebase, native look. hot reloading are also there, fast development.

Flutter is such a new framework for mobile app development after REACT NATIVE.

If you "techy updator" then might know that flutter are work in beta release for a long time, But now its Release a Stable version of Flutter on feb 2019.

The main advantage is that, the Flutter is developed by GOOGLE and GOOGLE developer are maintained the Flutter activity.

Compare in REACT NATIVE and FLUTTER is less comparison, except, The Big and Small enterprise is already adopt a REACT NATIVE because its very easy to learn and code. And most of the developers also love REACT NATIVE.

In REACT NATIVE, we don`t need to learn any extra programming language if you a web app developer.

In REACT NATIVE, we only need to know HTML5, CSS3, JS, ES6/7/8/9.

NOTE: My recommendation is, If you want to work on REACT NATIVE then you must have expertise in javascript.

In FLUTTER, First, we need to learn a DART PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE, and then we able to work on FLUTTER.

I know, you might thinking what is DART? 

   The DART language is developed by GOOGLE and its first appeared on october 2011.
But its stable version are release on nov 2018.

if already know C++ then, DART is a really easy and simple to understand.

I recommend that, you must have to work on FLUTTER, because FLUTTER is also growing fastest and many communities also love to work on Flutter.

So, This is a technology is to reduce the lot of effort of developers to build mobile app simunltaneously for Android and iOS with a single codebase.



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