React Native vs Flutter

Today, We have a lot of frameworks, libraries to build Android and iOS app simultaneously with single Codebase. In there we have Two popular Framework to develop the Mobile app in Single Codebases such as React Native and Flutter.

I know this above is not new news, but there are many developers or programmers even a big or small organization has confusion to choose an appropriate framework according there need or requirement to build the mobile app.
    because of that, we will discuss some differences between React Native and Flutter.

So let's get Started our main discussions.

Programming Language.
  • RN: We just have known a very popular language which is JavaScript and some familiarities of React(its optional).
  • Flutter: We have to know Dart, it is a client-optimized programming language for fast apps on multiple platforms, It is developed by Google and is used to build mobile, desktop, backend and web applications.
  • RN: React Native architecture completely relies on JS runtime environment architecture, also known as JavaScript bridge. The JavaScript code is compiled into native code at runtime. React Native uses or rely on the Flux architecture from Facebook and its developed by Facebook.
  • Flutter: Flutter uses or relies on the Dart framework which has most of the components inbuilt so it’s bigger in size and often does not require the bridge to communicate with the native modules. Dart has so many frameworks and gradually increasing number of components from the Flutter team. The Dart framework uses Skia C++ engine which has all the protocols, compositions and channels.
  • RN: The React Native framework can be installed using the Node Package Manager (NPM). For developers that have a JavaScript background, installation of React Native is easy and fast.
  • Flutter: Flutter can be installed by downloading the binary for a specific platform from Github, Its take little bit more time to complete the installation.
UI Components.
  • RN: React Native has a less UI component, we have to use Third party package to build UI components and Splash Screen or Navigation.
  • Flutter: Flutter has a more UI component and that's all are officially provided by flutter team to use in our projects and they grow numbers of component gradually.
  • RN: Its higher chances that you already know javascript, So there Javascript or web developer has a good efficiency are cool things to build a native app without any programming languages.
  • Flutter: Flutter is now growing in the developer community, and first we have to learn Dart programming language to work on Flutter, So you have to spend numbers of Days to learn Dart and then learn Flutter.   
Community Support.
  • RN: As we know in RN we have to know JS, So there many JS developer in the market, then that`s why community support of RN is drastically high.
  • Flutter: Currently Flutter is rapidly growing framework, So there right now we don`t have a lot of community support of Flutter.
Testing Support.
  • RN: React Native is a JavaScript framework and there are a few unit level testing frameworks available in JavaScript. The tools like Jest can be used for snapshot testing. However, when it comes to integration or UI level testing, there is no official support from React Native. There are third-party tools like Appium and Detox that can be used for testing React Native apps but they are not officially supported.
  • Flutter: Flutter provides a rich set of testing features to test apps at the unit, widget and integration level. You can also read the Nevercode blog on testing Flutter apps for detailed information on how Flutter apps can be tested. Flutter has a cool widget testing feature where we can create widget tests to test the UI and run them at the speed of unit tests.
Build & Release Automation Support.
  • RN: The React Native official documentation doesn’t have any automated steps to deploy the iOS apps to the App Store. However, it provides a manual process for deploying the app from Xcode. There is an article on how to deploy React Native apps to App Store here but the entire process looks manual. However, we can use third-party tools like Fastlane to deploy iOS and Android apps written with React Native. The process of using Fastlane to ship React Native apps is described in this article. This means that React Native has to rely on third-party libraries for build and release automation.
  • Flutter: Flutter has a strong command line interface. We can create a binary of the app by using the command line tools and following the instructions in Flutter documentation for building and releasing Android and iOS apps. On top of this, Flutter has officially documented the deployment process with Fastlane.
DevOps and CI/CD Support.
  • RN: React Native doesn’t have any official documentation on setting up CI/CD. There is an article which explains the process of setting up CI/CD for React Native apps with Nevercode.
  • Flutter: Flutter has a section on Continuous Integration and Testing which includes links to external sources. However, Flutter’s rich command line interface allows us to set up CI/CD easily. Nevercode has inbuilt support for CI/CD for Flutter apps. The detailed blog post explaining the CI/CD process of Nevercode.
Conclusion My Recommendation.
As we know that JS is are now a very popular language, because it is very useful and easy to work with it. but in another handle, Google is advertising a lot more about flutter and they rapidly catching many developers. 
    So my recommendation is that you work on both frameworks and create some amazing projects and then ask yourself which one you like more to work on that framework.
   Or you also choose Flutter because in future Google is introducing Fuchsia OS in this OS Google allow to create an application using Flutter.



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