Full Stack Web Development.

This is a Broad question/query in every beginner, who want to begin there career as a Full Stack Web Developer.

As we know the web development is mainly divided into two categories, which is Front- End Developer and Back-End Developer.
    So, when we merge or combine the above two categories, then we say that this is a full stack developer.

Remember, If you want to become or dream a part of big companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Flipkart, or any more MNC(multinational company) then your jobs work in that company is not as full stack development, not understand? then read below:
 Means, big companies give a job as a specific purpose of a job or task to do. they did not give you the whole project in hand if you say that am a Full Stack Developer.

Yeah, If you have your own organization then its become possible that you handle whole web development project as your own.
   But Not in Big companies or small companies (software development company) as well.

So, come on the point that HOW TO BECOME A FULL STACK DEVELOPER?

As we discuss above that FSD(Full stack developer/development.) is divided with FED(Front End Development/Developer) and BED(Back End Development/Developer).
    So, First, discuss FED.

FED developer has to take care of all UI(User Interface) part in which the user has to interact with UI.

They have also take care of WEB ACCESSIBILITY, In which some users have any physical impairment, So they also interact with a proper screen reader.

FED have to work on front end networking the communicate to a server and manage the request and response like Fetch API.

FED developer has optimized the performance of web app because of its very crucial part of the web app, and Today big companies are investing more time and money to make the web app performed too fast as possible.

FED developer has to analyze how a user, easily understand the motto of the web app.

In FED there a lot more work we have to face and solve it in a proper manner.

Now, I know you waiting to know about which languages we have to learn for BED.

First Basic you have learned:
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
This above is a crucial language for FED part.
If you learn those above languages and want to learn a more advanced concept.
  • ES6/7/8
  • AJAX
  • PWA
  • APIs
After that the important part for FED developer to cover up Framework and libraries, some popular are below:

This is a crucial task in every web development, that how we store data and how we store data with some manipulation, encryption of data and securely.
    Because we know that user data is sometimes very sensitive things, so we have to make a strong algorithm to store data in the database.

So there are some languages, which is used for BED in web app development.
This is above a popular language, which is useful now a day.

As a BED developer, we also have to work with BED framework and libraries, because they provide a lot of facilities and reduce a lot of time of BED.

Let, see that we framework and libraries is best for BED in web app development.
  • Javascript
  1. NodeJS
  2. ExpressJS
  3. many more...
  • PHP
  1. Laravel
  2. Symfony
  3. CodeIgnitor
  4. Yii2
  5. many more...
  • JAVA
  1. Spring
  2. Struts
  3. VertX
  4. Play
  5. Grails
  6. many more...
  • Python
  1. Django
  2. MongoDB
  3. many more...
This is we have a lot of framework for BED development.

I hope this article is really helpful to you, to get a deep understand of FSD.


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